
Tuition and Tuition Assistance

Thank you for considering EB for your child’s education!

We aim to provide the highest quality bilingual education while offering the best value to our families. EB is a nonprofit institution, which means tuition is used solely to pay for the costs of educating our students. We are committed to helping families afford EB and look forward to assisting you throughout the process.

A Commitment to Affordability

Inclusivity is an important part of EB's mission. One of the ways we achieve socio-economic diversity is by dedicating a generous amount of the school’s budget to need-based tuition assistance.

Tuition Assistance

Depending on the year, between 35% to 40% of EB families receive some form of tuition assistance.

Ecole Bilingue is committed to remaining affordable in order to maintain its vibrant socio-economic diversity, which enhances the experience of all students. Families who are considering EB for their child, but may have challenges in affording it are encouraged to apply for tuition assistance.

EB tuition assistance covers up to 55% of the tuition, as well as overnight field trips. We provide step-by-step guidance on the process and deadlines to apply for tuition assistance.

Bourses Scolaires

French families residing in the US can apply to need-based tuition assistance provided by the French government. This program is called “Bourses Scolaires” and covers up to 100% of the tuition. This program promotes enrollment of additional French native speakers, hence benefitting all students.

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Who Qualifies?

Every situation is unique, but, as these sample scenarios (based on 2025-2026 tuition) suggest, many families qualify for our tuition assistance programs, particularly those with multiple children enrolled at EB (or other tuition-charging childcare centers, schools, or colleges).

**Please note these scenarios are for informational purposes only and do not imply specific awards. Tuition Assistance takes into consideration several parameters besides the gross income, including total assets. Number of children refers to total children enrolled in tuition-charging childcare centers, schools, or colleges.

Tuition for 2025-2026

Preschool and Kindergarten
Grades 1 to 5
Grades 6 to 8 (includes International Track)
Additional fee for the Accelerated French Program  (G1 to G3)

Payment Options

We provide four options for paying EB’s annual tuition and fees.

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Required & Optional Fees

List of 2 items.

  • Required

    One time enrollment fee (first year only)
    Tuition refund insurance (mandatory on a family’s first year at EB and optional thereafter)
    1.30% of tuition
    Overnight field trips (grades 3, 4 and 6)
    Ranges from $670 to $1,320
  • Optional

    Extended Day Package (unlimited morning and afternoon care during school days for the year)
    Extended Day Drop-in rate
    $12.48 per hour
    School Breaks Package (day camps during the 2025-2026 school year: Fall break, Winter Break and Spring Break)
    Four weeks of Preschool Summer Camp
    Hot lunch - price per meal (subject to change)
    $6.75 to $7.25
    Optional overnight field trips (grades 5, 7 and 8)
    After School activities
    Varying costs
    Tuition refund insurance (mandatory on a family’s first year at EB and optional thereafter)
    1.30% of tuition

All Are Welcome! (Anti-Discriminatory Policy)

Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley does not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion. This policy applies to all programs, services, and facilities, including applications, admissions, and employment.